3:20 – place cup of water in microwave and boil the crap out of it
3:23 – remove cup from microwave
3:24 – place tube of lip gloss in cup

3:25- notice that gloss viscosity is decreasing
3:27- pour small puddle of gloss into used metal container previously used for mints and place gloss tube back in cup of hot water
3:29 – repeat, with less gloss coming out this time

3:30- place tube upside down in cup, in order to make it easier for remaining gloss to pass the narrow opening of the tube.
3:31- realize this was a bad idea because now the top is hot!
3:34- give up on removing any more gloss. Close tube and return to purse. I can still use what's left until it runs out.
3:35- put a rubber band around mint tin and put it in my purse. Feel satisfied with myself. I probably have another 2 months of gloss because of this experiment!
PS - Sorry about the very low-res photos. I'm using my phone for now, but plan on using nicer images from my awesome camera soon. I may start sharing my good and bad outfits!
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