A couple years ago I received a $100 gift certificate to Victoria's Secret, and I went on a panty-buying rampage (sorry, Plain Jane, that I just typed that word you hate). Oh sure, I bought a nice silky robe, but what every woman really wants to do is have all new underwear, so I bought about 15 pairs. Before that, I had worn medium size string bikini style underwear, so I felt pretty comfortable buying string and regular bikini in medium.
So for about 3 years now, I have been regretting the regular bikinis, which pinch me, do not cover me properly, and result in an awful panty line. They hurt, y'all. I always know when I need to do laundry, because I open my underwear drawer, and there are those torture devices. Today I'm wearing a novelty pair of Hello Kitty underwear just to avoid them. Sweet. Should I get in there and throw them all out this weekend? Purge the drawer, for better or for worse?
Risk having to do laundry more frequently for the comfort of my body? I think I should, but we'll see how far I get.
In better news, I am currently wearing that great sweater from the Gap that I saw on Amy Adams in Vogue a few weeks ago. I had to go get my cell phone fixed at the mall, so I figured I'd take a peek and see if I could find it. I ended up buying two, because the green one felt so nice. It's kind of weird because on the website they don't have either of the colors I bought. The one I just had to have was kelly green, and the one I'm wearing today is baby blue. I love it.
I also tried on some jeans and pants while I was there, and I think Gap pants and jeans are just not made for me. See?

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