Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ugly Betty Moment

Today I had a close encounter with the legendary snobbery of the fashion world through an e-mail a colleague shared with me. It was from someone who works for a moderately respected fashion house in New York.

Let me preface this by saying that I am in publishing, and the magazine I work for is somewhat connected to high-end items that are sold by this fashion house. A few months ago, I had spoken on the phone with this representative of the company, and sent her a copy of the magazine as an introduction. My colleague was reaching out to her for similar purposes, and mentioned that I had recommended her as a contact. Here's the response:

"I apologize, but I don’t recall working with her. Perhaps she worked with one of my associates?

"In any case, I have looked at the website and I don’t feel that (fashion line being discussed) would be a good fit. We are really trying to be part of pages that have more upscale designers, and unfortunately, I haven’t heard of most of the companies under the (magazine's designer list) page.

"Thank you for your interest in (fashion line).


PR Person"

OK, first of all, I love the whole, "I don't remember speaking to your co-worker," bit. Perfect. Also, the desire for more upscale designers... and the litmus test for "upscale" being whether or not this person has heard of them before. Um, do you have any idea how much people pay for this stuff, lady? Maybe you haven't heard of everyone. And finally, signing your e-mails with "best" after a blow-off is so Ugly Betty. Well, I hope her shoes hurt.

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