Thursday, December 6, 2007

House of Style

While buying Christmas presents for my brother-in-law this week, I felt terribly jealous. Why is it that I have no problem buying stylish things for other people's homes, but I am yet to hang anything but a string of greeting cards on my own dining room wall? I think my husband and I suffer from a general stinginess when it comes to our own home. It's unfortunate too, because I think we'd take more pride in it if we liked it better. But the question of course arises - which is more important: having a nice clock, or getting to retire early.

Maybe we could do both. As with clothing, I think I just have to get a little more creative.

TIP OF THE WEEK: If you never do anything with your hair and you need to look a little bit special for a party or something like that, just blow dry it and curl the ends with a curling iron, just straight up. It results in a polished I-didn't-actually-do-my-hair-but-it-does-look-lovely look. I've done this for three holiday parties already. I do hope no one is catching on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like a generous person who just needs to practice -- how else to put it -- the self-splurge. Maybe a good compromise starting point would be to shop home sale items at Garnet Hill. You can save for retirement AND get an $8 shower curtain! Or how about an $8 table runner (also handy as a narrow window curtain if you like). And what about a $14 fake volcano -- okay, maybe not top on your list but it'll have its takers. With the right balance, you won't have to spend your retirement thinking "Why didn't we ever fix up this place?"

Plus watch the sale-of-the-day at Garnet Hill for clothing. (I think they have talls.) Other savings tip: check for clothing store coupons.